Monday, February 14, 2011

Skills 3 Day 7 & 8

On day 7 I was on grilled steak with sauce Marchand de Vin sauce, french fries, and stuffed tomatoes. The tomatoes were stuffed with a mushroom duxelle which is mushrooms chopped up very fine and then they are cooked. I grilled the steaks for family meal and was in charge of plating for service. When I am in charge of plating I have to add whatever the garnish may be, such as chives, parsley, or compound butter to the top of an item. Then I must wipe the outside edge of the plate and make sure it is clean and presentable, then I cover it and and take it to the line for service. I enjoy that job because I get to see a really cool final product every time. On day 8 I was on grilled Mahi Mahi with pineapple salsa, jasmine rice pilaf, grilled vegetables and green beans. I was in charge of making the pineapple salsa, cutting up the veg for the day, and I grilled the fish for family meal. I love the salsa that accompanies the fish, so I was very excited to be making it! The grilling of the fish was a success I had never really grilled fish before so this was an exciting but scary task, because I did not want to mess it up. Luckily when we went and ate family meal nobody had a overcooked or undercooked piece of Mahi Mahi on their plates! It was a good day.

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