Thursday, November 25, 2010

Seafood ID and Fabrication day 7 (final day)

Was it really already day seven, I could not believe that this would be the last time I would have to wake up at 4 in the morning. It was exciting, sad and reality was setting in that I had three different finals in that class. I was getting extremely nervous as expected. I was also super excited for this day because it was Caviar day where we would get to try about 11 different roe from the fish we had learned about in Seafood ID and fabrication. My chef told me that the plates would probably be about $80.00 worth of caviar that we were eating. I am a very, I guess you could say an exotic  eater or I am really willing to try anything unlike most of the people in my class. So I ate my entire plate of caviar and saw plates still full of caviar. None the less I ended up eating 5 plates of caviar, so I pretty much just ate 400 dollars’ worth of caviar, it was awesome because I could not let all that goodness go to waste. I was very content. After our tasting it was time to take the first of three tests in my class. This first section was identifying 10 different fish, from the 150 we learned. Along with those ten different fish, each one had four questions to go with it. So it was now a total of 40 questions. We could be asked about the activity level of the fish, where it lived and spawned in the ocean, the proper name for a market order, what knife cut to use, and characteristics of the fish. It was a little stressful to say the least. Finally we had finished the first part of the final and it was time for the math portion, where we had to determine the yield percent of a fish, how much the edible portion and as purchased portion would cost. Pretty much little figures that are very important to the success of an establishment. After the math section was complete we had 35 questions all about things that we had learned in class, it used to be a multiple choice test but that is no longer the case unfortunately. It was a short answer test, which is not my cup of tea. I think I did pretty well on all the different tests in class. I turned in all three sections and went up to Chef, thanked him for a great class and shook his hand and I was out of there. Unfortunately there is no down time between Seafood class and meat ID and fabrication, so after class I went and got lunch then my friends and I went right to the library to do the pre-day one homework for meat ID and fabrication. We had to watch 3 videos, that took about and hour. Then we also had to define 20 key terms and answer 10 study questions pertaining to meat. We then also had to review the power point for day one and already know what we would be talking about for the next day. Last but not least we had to roll up or side towels so they resembled a tenderloin and then we had to practice our knots and ties on the “tenderloin.” This work took quite a long time I finally finished with it all at 9 that night. I was excited going to bed because the next morning I was going to be able to sleep it! Well if you consider 5 sleeping in, but it was better than the last 7 days at 4 in the morning!

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