It was finally egg day! Which is what some chefs say is the hardest day at the culinary. Cooking eggs is one of the hardest things to do. Turns out if you want to be a Chef Instructor here if you make it past the practical which is whatever they choose for you to cook, then you have to do an egg demo for a class and show them how to cook them perfectly. For class today we would have to be making a variety of different eggs, we were getting a flat of eggs which had 36 eggs on it. If we did all the eggs perfectly we should have had 12 left over, but lets be honest was that really going to happen. We definitely figured that there was no way when our chef was demoing the different eggs and messed up twice so he even had to throw away 4 eggs, we were all just thinking this is impossible because chef just messed up too. When we watch chef do the demo it is expected that we have pretty much memorized every step and then we are sent back to our stations to mimic what he just did and have it perfect. It is a lot of stress and pressure, it almost is like we have to do it perfectly when this is the first time we have ever done it and well you better do it perfectly because that is your grade for the day. For today's production we had to prepare eggs soft scrambled, poached, hard boiled, fried eggs, over easy, over medium, over hard, eggs Benedict, we also had to make custard and bread pudding. Yeah if your head wasn't spinning after reading all that imagine mine after hearing we had to do all of those. The day went pretty well it had it's frustrations but overall it was pretty successful. I had to do the over medium eggs twice but then I got the method. The only other thing I messed up on was the bread pudding at first. I poured the salt cup into my batter thinking it was the sugar. I had to dump it all out and start again but then luckily I made the batter again with sugar and the chef said it was cooked perfectly! After some frustration throughout the day it ended up to be a pretty successful day!
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