Today we would be making our own fresh pasta and from that pasta we made linguine and ravioli with a saute mushroom, shallot, and ricotta cheese filling, and a wild mushroom sauce for both pastas. I was really excited about todays class because I would finally learn how to make my own pasta dough! This morning things got rolling at 6:15 and we were all preping for the days recipes. We watched chefs demo on the sauce and both pastas and then we were sent to work, we had from 8:30 till 10:15 to complete everything. Might not sound to difficult but when you have to share 5 pasta rollers with 20 people things start to get a little bit complicated. Luckily I finished all of my production on time and turned it into chef. He was pleased with what I had made, so therefore I was pleased. After chef tried it we got to eat our pasta dishes, and let me tell you they were delicious! After cleaning up my station and helping clean up around the kitchen it was time for lecture where we learned all about the incredible edible egg, because tomorrow is the infamous egg day! Apparently it is pretty difficult, I will have to let you know how it goes Im getting nervous but I am up for the challenge!
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