Monday, January 31, 2011
Skills 3 Day 1 and 2
We were moving up in the culinary world little by little. Skills 3 would be the first kitchen where we actually served our classmates and the entire school if they choose to come and eat at our kitchen. The most covers we would do daily would be about 60. There were 20 for family meal, and the other 40 for the other students eating. Family meal in case you were wondering is when you pretty much have the entire meal ready and you make just enough for the class and we all go eat together before service begins. It normally lasts for about 30 minutes. We have to get to class at 6:15 and we have till 10:45 am to make the meal, then we take our break for family meal at 10:45 am till 11:15 am, then we are back to class and ready to open the doors for service by 11:45am. Normally we sell out by 12:15 and that is when we close for the day. Then chef gives us about 30 minutes to totally clean up the kitchen and do our wrap up lecture for the day and we are out of the kitchen by 1:30 pm. It seems like a long day but it goes by so fast because its fun and because it is just fast moving the whole time. The first day I was on the soup and salad station and we made french onion soup and a salad with a lemon vinaigrette. It was nice to start out on that station because it is definitely the easiest one. So the first day was definitely a success for our first production kitchen! Day 2 I was on the roast chicken station. We would be in charge of making pan gravy, steamed broccoli, glazed carrots and whipped potatoes. I am in a group with 4 people, there are 20 in the glass and we are all in groups of 4. We split up the different tasks between the group members and everything went really smoothly! Another day of production and service gone well!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Skills 2 Day 12
Chef and I |
The Class! |
It was the Final day of skills 2! This was a very exciting day because it was our last day in a small scale kitchen, we would no longer be making portions for 2, it would be portions for 15 or 20. Today we had to make steak, grilled vegetables which included eggplant, squash, zucchini, red onion and a portobella mushroom. We would also have to make french fries as a side! To go with the steak we made a sauce called Bernaise. It is like a hollandaise but it uses herbs in it and goes really well with steak. It was all absolutley delicious eventhough my steak was a little underdone which chef said was fine because I could take it back and fix it, it was better than it being over cooked. So that was a positive way to look at it!
Skills 2 Day 10 & 11
Trout A La Meuniere |
Chicken Fines Herbs |
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Skills 2 Day 9
Today we made chicken fricasse. For production we had to debone a chicken, make chicken veloute, cut up leek and carrot for sauce. Then we had to make a vegetable medley that went on top of the overall meal which included fresh peas, mushrooms, broccoli, and pearl onions. Chicken fricasse is known as a white stew. I enjoyed making it and also eating it!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Skills 2 Day 8
Today in skills we made braised short ribs. Then we prepared polenta to go with the short ribs, braised endive, and roasted root vegetables. The root vegetables included carrot, parsnip, turnip and rutabaga. Last but not least we had to blanch brussel sprouts to go with the roasted vegetables. We learned about braising and stewing in lecture. We must know the differences between the two and also their similarities. Also we have to know the sauce options for braises. The day went really well and the short ribs were delicious and I was a huge fan of the polenta!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Skills 2 Day 7
Today we would be making roasted chicken with pan gravy. We had to season the chicken with parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, salt, pepper and olive oil. To go with the chicken as sides we made roasted potatoes with the same seasonings as the chicken, broccoli rabe sauteed with garlic, and ratatouille. In case you have never had broccoli rabe it looks similar to broccoli but it is bitter tasting. My group and I were so prepared for today because we met the day before and planned so we would finish on time and make sure our entree was perfect. Things went very smooth during preparation, plating and clean up. When we all took our plates up chef was surprised to see us all up there so early and with clean work stations. We told him that we planned the day before and worked more as a team instead of totally individual. He was impressed and happy we had planned as a group. He said that everything on my plate was perfect and was very happy with everything. This was a great improvement from the day before it was like a 50 pound weight was lifted off my shoulders, literally. It was awesome! We had our lunch break after our presentation of the entree and when we came back we would have to do our normal 8 tournes in 30 minutes. After lunch before we started to tourne we were waiting for a couple of our classmates to finish cleaning up, so while that was happening I decided to draw on every ones potatoes. I put smiley faces on every ones potatoes, and created a family of real life potato heads on my 4 potatoes. It was pretty funny and I wrote on my potatoes as you can see in the picture that they were my potatoes and not to touch them. I walk away from my potatoes for just a minute and there is my pairing knife stabbed into my baby potato. I was shocked but it was also funny especially when I found out chef had come over and stuck the knife in my potato. I did not expect that but the entire class including chef got a great laugh out of it. His laugh almost sounded like an evil villain which made sense because he just killed one of my potatoes. All and all today was a major turn around from the day before and we had a lot of fun!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Skills 2 Day 6
Flounder |
Taking the fillets off the Flounder |
Flounder Entree |
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Skills 2 Day 5
Today would be the first day that we were introduced to submerged poaching also the first day we would be making a full entree! Both exciting and scary at the same time. We would be making deep poached salmon in court bouillion which is simple vegetable stock with the addition of an acid used for poaching high activity fish, aka salmon. We would then finish the salmon with Beurre Blanc sauce which is a sauce made up of white wine, sauteed shallots, heavy cream, whole butter, salt, pepper and lemon is amazing! Also kind of a cholesterol attack in a bowl but its great. Paired on the plate with the salmon would be butter parslied tourned potatoes. Also julienned zucchini, yellow squash, carrots, and leeks, then buttered green beans. It was quite the load of responsibility for the day, but it was exciting! All the production went really well for the day and the chef said my fish was cooked perfectly and the sauce was great. The only problem I had was that I had over cooked my vegetables a little bit, it was amazing I walked away to get a serving spoon and next thing I know they were over done...that was frustrating but it tasted really good! Overall it was a decent day.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Skills 2 Day 4
It was finally egg day! Which is what some chefs say is the hardest day at the culinary. Cooking eggs is one of the hardest things to do. Turns out if you want to be a Chef Instructor here if you make it past the practical which is whatever they choose for you to cook, then you have to do an egg demo for a class and show them how to cook them perfectly. For class today we would have to be making a variety of different eggs, we were getting a flat of eggs which had 36 eggs on it. If we did all the eggs perfectly we should have had 12 left over, but lets be honest was that really going to happen. We definitely figured that there was no way when our chef was demoing the different eggs and messed up twice so he even had to throw away 4 eggs, we were all just thinking this is impossible because chef just messed up too. When we watch chef do the demo it is expected that we have pretty much memorized every step and then we are sent back to our stations to mimic what he just did and have it perfect. It is a lot of stress and pressure, it almost is like we have to do it perfectly when this is the first time we have ever done it and well you better do it perfectly because that is your grade for the day. For today's production we had to prepare eggs soft scrambled, poached, hard boiled, fried eggs, over easy, over medium, over hard, eggs Benedict, we also had to make custard and bread pudding. Yeah if your head wasn't spinning after reading all that imagine mine after hearing we had to do all of those. The day went pretty well it had it's frustrations but overall it was pretty successful. I had to do the over medium eggs twice but then I got the method. The only other thing I messed up on was the bread pudding at first. I poured the salt cup into my batter thinking it was the sugar. I had to dump it all out and start again but then luckily I made the batter again with sugar and the chef said it was cooked perfectly! After some frustration throughout the day it ended up to be a pretty successful day!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Skills 2 Day 3
Skills 2 day 1 & 2
Skills 2 started after we got back from our Christmas break, I have to say getting up at 5 am the Tuesday we got back was not so thrilling. It was really hard especially after sleeping till about 12 pm everyday over break, and finally catching up on my sleep. I was not ready for the lack of sleep yet. Going up to Roth Hall and seeing all my friends again was great but what we all seemed to have in common was that we just wanted to be back in bed and were not ready for it all yet. We finally got into class and things got rolling, it was not that bad we just had to get to class and get the day started. On day 1 we made glazed beets, braised red cabbage, cocotte potatoes, and duchess potatoes. The glazed beets were fun to make and they tasted really good. The cocotte potatoes are tourned potatoes that are cooked in clarified butter till light brown, with a crispy outside and soft inside like a tater tot. These took a while to cook for little one inch long seven sided football shape potatoes, well at least longer than I thought. I started it with 15 minutes left before we had to turn everything in for the day, I thought they would be done in time. It was getting down to the wire and it was crunch time, so when chef was not looking I put the potatoes into the oven and cooked them in there for a good 6 minutes. Chef checked it and they were the perfect color and texture. I realize it is not the way chef wanted it prepared, but sometimes you have to be creative in the kitchen and that is what mastering the kitchen is all about, being able to bounce back from a mistake or handling the curve ball that is thrown at you. Over all it was a great day in the kitchen and everything turned out well. Day 2 we had to make rice pilaf, risotto, sauce robert, sauce merchand devin and jardiniere vegetable. I was very excited about day 2 because risotto is one of my favorite things to eat and I was finally going to learn how to make it! The day went smoothly and the risotto was successful along with my rice pilaf. The others were a bit more challenging but I managed to pull them off. I did end up with a nice burn on my arm because my partner at my station asked me to grab something for him that was across the cook top. I reached for the spatula that he wanted because he had just pulled his rice pilaf out of the oven (so it was in a pot with a lid) and my arm hit the very end of the handle on the pot, it hurt but I had to keep going the clock was not going to stop for me. That night our homework was to write a 2 page paper on the history of rice... this would only be your homework at a culinary school! It was kind of funny and the class was not to thrilled about because we all thought what more do you need to know about rice other than it is delicious and filling, also how could you write 2 pages on it. At the end of lecture we finished last minute clean up like taking out the garbage and straighting up the kitchen for the next class.
Taking out the trash in the Snow! |
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Skills 1 Day 13
The final day of skills one! We would be making tomato sauce to put over pasta and a vinegrette for salad. One of the more simple days but that was nice considering it was the last day. Skills 2 would be more challenging and the chef made that known at the end of class. He said we wont be able to hide behind our stations anymore because he would actually be walking around the kitchen to see how we worked at our stations for example if we kept a clean work station. I was starting to get nervous but luckily we would have our week and a half christmas break to think about it and prepare. Day 13 as a whole was very successful and the pasta was very filling! The day and skills 1 ended on a good note!
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